Twitterpated Assortment

Current Price: $8.01 Original Price: $45.31 Save 82%

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This assortment is truly beautiful! Inspired by popular color palettes for the upcoming wedding season, this amazing color palette is sure to please anyone who sees it.

Dyed assortments are perfect for wood flower bouquets, centerpieces, or any other craft you can think of!

Colors used in the assortment are Merlot, Periwinkle, Silver, and Powder Pink

Please note - the combination of flowers you receive may not be exactly as pictured. The number of flowers, and the colors in the assortment, will remain the same. This assortment does not include stems. To purchase stems please click here

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Water/Paint - Ratio - oz

Annapolis Blue 16:1
Aqua 12:1
Avocado 4:1
Beautious 8:1
Black 3:1 1/4
Blue Spruce 6:1
Blush Pink 3:1
Butterscotch 6:1
Cream 48:1
Dark Green 6:1
Lavish Lavender 4:1
Marigold 4:1/4
Coral 3:1 1/4
Country Red 6:1
Merlot 4:1
Navy 4:1
Dusty Blue 6:1 1/4
Dusty Lilac 6:1
Dusty Pink 12:1
Dusty Rose 3:1
Ruby Red 8:1
French Vanilla 6:1 1/4
Frosted Mulberry 6:1
Grape 4:1
Green Silk 4:1
Grey 6:1 1/4
Sage 96:1
Hazlenut 12:1
Hearts Content 12:1
Indigo 6:1
Ivory 6:1 1/4
Jazmine Flower 12:1
Violet 8:1
Lemon Drop 12:1
Wine 8:1
Lilac 8:1
Powder Pink 96:1
Mauve 12:1
Mustard 6:1 1/4
Wheat 96:1
Peach 12:1
Periwinkle 6:1
Pink 12:1
Tiffany Blue 6:1
Burgundy 6:1
Raspberry 4:1
Eggplant 4:1
Grey Goat Blue 6:1
Light Blue 12:1
Sky Blue 4:1
Sourpatch Peach 8:1
Teal 6:1
Terracotta 6:1
Mud Mask 8:1
Orange 6:1
Purple 3:1
Silver 6:1
Toasted Coconut 18:1
Watermelon 6:1
White Frost 12:1
White Wedding 12:1
White 8:1

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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews

Twitterpated Assortment

Dawn Miller
Not quite what I expected

While the flowers in general are beautiful. All of the flowers in Powder Pink were all flowers with bark in the middle. I cannot even find the flower type on the site. I was hoping for more of what was pictured.

Esther Roswell
A great combo

This is a great assortment. I haven’t bought enough anything I don’t like on here. I used this set to make center pieces. Here is a tip I use tooth picks to glue to the back of the flowers. This makes them removable and able to switch around.

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